WOD: Friday 210910
Looking pretty strong there Scott!
-Coaching Notes:
This is a fun benchmark style workout where the crux of the workout will be the burpee bar muscle-ups, however the thrusters and row will definitely build in a significant amount of fatigue and cut into the total working volume. At the 15:00 mark we will then go right into finding a heavy 2RM Thruster from the floor. Athletes should need 3-4 minutes to compose themselves before attempting a 2RM thruster, so using that time to rest and adjust weights is the best course of action.
Expectations here are to try to hit something close to what we did last week with our 3RM expect this time we will be under much greater fatigue. Time out the attempts so that we try to hit our 2RM with no time left on the clock.
Our Friday Finisher WOD is a short chipper, bodybuilding conditioning piece to finish off the day. Athletes will need a little time to rest before hitting this so clean-up barbells and everything else before getting into the Friday Finisher.
Scaling Mods:
-Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups: 1st scale is burpee chest to bar, then burpee pull-up, then burpee jumping pull-up, and finally 6 burpees + 6 ring rows
-Thrusters: Scale out to push press if knees are issue, and scale to DB Thruster is barbells create impingement.
-Row: Scale volume here to keep around that 1:00 Time Frame.
The Sound of Fury
15:00 AMRAP
6 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
12 Thrusters 95/65#, 43/30kg
18/15 Cal Row
Thruster 2RM
From Minutes 15:00-25:00
Establish a 2RM Thruster from the floor
Friday Finisher
30 Dual DB Bent Rows *heavy
40 Bent over DB Reverse Flys *light
30 Dual DB Reverse Lunges *heavy
40 Jumping Lunges *bodyweight