WOD: Friday 211015

Erin, also know as the wearer of the best gym shirts.

Erin, also know as the wearer of the best gym shirts.

Coaching Notes:

Today's workout is centered around the barbell. Specifically the Clean and jerk. We are hitting two parts to this workout. The first segment is on clean and jerk technique as we progress up to around 75% of our clean and jerk for a complex. Then we move into our conditioning piece which has a little "DT" feel where we are hitting some moderate load barbell cycling followed by max rep burpees in the remaining time.

Scaling Mods:

Today, we have peeled things back a bit and are working from the hang for both the power and squat cleans. If athletes are having issue with bar contact, stay at the high hang. And if they tend to faulter in the bottom of a squat with low elbows lets keep this as a hang power clean + front squat for the squat clean to clean up their recieve position.

Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

For Load: Every 2:00, 6 Sets

Set 1: 1+1+1+1 @ 65%

Set 2: 1+1+1+1 @ 65%

Set 3: 1+1+1+1 @ 70%

Set 4: 1+1+1+1 @ 70%

Set 5: 1+1+1+1 @ 75%

Set 6: 1+1+1+1 @ 75%

*Pause 3sec overhead in split jerk

Kill Bill

1:30 AMRAP, 1:00 Rest, 5 Sets

2 Rounds

6 Hang Power Clean 135/95#, 61/43kg

5 Push Jerk 135/95#, 61/43kg

-Max Lateral Burpee Over Bar in remaining time


Behind the Neck Strict Press

4 Sets x 10 Reps

R: 1:00 b/s

Feet Elevated Split Squat 3330 Tempo

4 Sets x 5/5

R: 30sec between legs

R: 60sec b/s

*feet are standing on 45# plates, either KB or DB dual suitcase loaded

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