WOD: Friday 211231

Happy New Year’s Eve! May we all be in bed by 10pm.

Points of Performance & Coaching Cues:

-Burpees: Work on being smooth, along chest to fall easily to the floor and working on either a quick jump back up or hop step back to center. Jump needs to reach full extension with feet coming off the floor.

-Power Snatch: Work on being flowy and keeping the bar close. We want a slight drop under the bar and then ride the bar back up to full extension overhead as we move into the next snatch.

-Thrusters: The weight is light today so work on maybe widening stance and grip to allow for faster cycle rate. We can also focus on pulling the barbell back down rather than just letting the barbell coast back down to the body.

-Chest-to-bar Pull-ups: Really work on pinching the shoulder blades, engaging the lats, and being dynamic with a big kip to allow the chest to touch the bar.

Scaling Considerations:

-The focus today is moving fast and staying steady. So we, as coaches, need to find movements that allow for proficiency and consistency. Reduce the load and talk to each athlete about the ideal sets they are going to tackle today.

-We could see some shoulder stuff pop up here today, so moving to a dumbbell snatch and dumbbell thrusters, along with ring rows can go a long way to help alleviate stress there.


3 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:


Power Snatch, 75/55 lbs

Box Jump, 24/20 in

Thruster, 75/55 lbs

Chest-to-bar Pull-up

Rest 1 min

Rotate immediately to the next station every 1 min, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 mins of:

15 Bent Over Rows, 45/35 lbs

10 Muscle Clean & Press, 45/35 lbs

10 Overhead Squats, 45/35 lbs

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