WOD: Friday 220304
Help welcome Adam here at Sanctify if you see him in class. Welcome to the party pal!
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Run: Focus on pulling up through the hamstrings and hip flexors while keeping pelvis directly under midline.
-Push-ups: We want to ensure the body is a moving plank position and that the pushup is initiated by the shoulders and not the elbows. This will help to mitigate pain on the shoulder and create a better stacked shoulder position.
• Scaling Considerations
-Box Jumps: We can lower the box and/or go to step-ups to reduce leg fatigue and risk of injury.
-Push-ups: The band assisted push-up would be the go to today to keep positions strong as we scale the loading on the body
-AbMat Sit-ups: Anyone with lower back pain should sub the McGill crunch to allow for compression through the midline with excessive flexion and extension.
“Kraven's Last Hunt”
3 rounds, each round for time, of:
Run, 400 m
-- then --
18-15-12 reps of:
Box Jump, 24/20 in
AbMat Sit-up
-- then --
Farmers Carry, 53/35 lbs, 150 m
Rest 3 mins between each round.
Time cap: 11 mins per round
For quality:
3x12 Seated Dumbbell Reverse Flies, pick load
Rest 1 min between sets
3x12 Dumbbell Bicep Curls, pick load
Rest 1 min between sets
3x12 Banded Tricep Extensions
Rest 1 min between sets