WOD: Friday 220930
I wish I could look as calm, cool, and collected like Erin when doing bar muscle ups. Not sure I could even get up there…
• Daily Focus
Our focus today is twofold. Battery work on the barbell and consistency on high skill gymnastics. We are looking to steer athletes in the way of choosing modifications that can enhance their strength and skill in the progressions and keep them moving consistently throughout the workout.
• Primer:
5-10 mins for quality of:
Bar Muscle-ups Progression
Pistol Progression
3-4x [ 1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks ] (increasing to working weights)
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Push Jerks: Set-up in a strong front rack position with full grip on bar, dip underneath punch with a firm lockout then stand to extension before letting the barbell fall directly back to the front rack as you dip to punch right into the next jerk. Continue this cycle for the duration of the reps.
-Scale: Lets scale to push press, then strict press, then move to dual dumbbell strict press. If it really is the range of motion overhead we can move to a half kneeling landmine press or dumbbell incline press.
Bar Muscle-ups: Work on engaging the lats and having the arch to hollow position create the movement that allows for the hips to get to the bar rather than a pull with the arms. Too many people focus on pulling when they should think about the body mechanics and actually pressing themselves away from the bar then over the bar by pressing down.
-Scale: We have multiple options we can scale to today. We can do the banded bar muscle-up, box bar muscle-up, low bar banded bar muscle-up, or burpee pull-up for scaling today.
Pistols: Keep the chest upright and sink back and down shifting weight into leg as you flex the other hip flexor. This takes quite a bit of core strength as well as mobility so choose an option from the scaling video linked.
-Scale: Pistol progression.
MetCon: “Open House”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
3 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 185/125 lbs
5 Bar Muscle-ups
8 Alternating Pistols
3 rounds of:
max effort Dumbbell Pinch Grip Hold, pick load
Rest 15 secs
10 Barbell Curls, pick load
Rest 15 secs
Max effort Kettlebell Overhead Hold, 53/35 lbs
Rest 15 secs
10 Barbell Strict Press, pick load
Rest 1 min