WOD: Friday 221230
Sheesh Chad, save those moves for the dance floor my guy.
Workout Notes:
• Daily Focus
Today, we are getting into some unilateral strength work with front rack walking lunges to start the day. These should be moderate and the focus is keeping the chest tall with the belly tight, while maintaining a fluid step up to center on each lunge. We will then move into some bar muscle-up and pistol progressions before tackling a gymnastics focused triplet for 9 mins. The goal here is quick sets and a challenging density based gymnastics workout.
• Gymnastics
10-15 mins for quality of:
Bar Muscle-up Progressions
Pistol Progressions:
-Heel Elevated Pistols
-Shrimp Squats
-Pistol Squat Step Downs
-Single Leg Sits-to-Box
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Front Rack Rack Reverse Lunges: Barbell will start in the rack and we are looking for a quality front rack position. Keep the chest tall and then reverse step with the right leg and step back feet together, then step back with left leg. Focus to flex the belly and pull the leg back up to the start position in order to use more of the glutes and hamstrings in this exercise.
-Scale: Dual dumbbell reverse lunges, barbell front rack reverse lunges, or goblet reverse lunges.
Bar Muscle-ups: Work on engaging the lats and having the arch to hollow position create the movement that allows for the hips to get to the bar rather than a pull with the arms. Too many people focus on pulling when they should think about the body mechanics and actually pressing themselves away from the bar then over the bar by pressing down.
-Scale: We have multiple options we can scale to today. We can do the banded bar muscle-up, box bar muscle-up, low bar banded bar muscle-up, or burpee pull-up.
Kipping Handstand Push-ups: Create a solid stable tripod with an active shoulder, then move into extension through the kip and flex the butt to keep the hips off the wall.
-Scale: We want to have some tools in our tool box for the handstand push-up. The box pike handstand push-up is definitely our favorite option, but only if the athlete can do it correctly and maintain the proper pressing form. Dual dumbbell strict press is never a bad option and helps those that feel like going inverted will be an issue.
Alternating Pistol Squats: Keep your chest tall and let the hips go back and down as you shift the weight to one leg. Press through the ground while keeping the belly tight as you stand before alternating to the other leg. We are looking for the heel to stay down and the hip crease to break parallel.
-Scale: Heel elevated pistol, shrimp squats, pistol squat step downs, single leg sit-to-box.
Every 3 mins for 12 mins.
1x [ 8 L/8 R Front Rack Reverse Lunges ], pick load
44-51% 1RM Front Squat
Metcon: "Rent"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 mins of:
4 Bar Muscle-ups
8 Handstand Push-ups
12 Alternating Pistols
3 rounds for quality of:
12 L/12 R Single Arm Dumbbell Z Press, pick load
12 L/12 R Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, pick load