WOD: Friday 230310
Focus, speed, hotel, Trivago.
• Daily Focus
The focus is chipper style conditioning today with the emphasis on dumbbell conditioning under fatigue. The double unders and wall balls will definitely tax the shoulders as we move through the single arm dumbbell movements. The weight and rep scheme shouldn't be overly taxing by itself, however it will build throughout the workout. There is 400 double unders today, so for those with any type of calf, knee, or back issues please be cognizant to adjust rep schemes or sub a bike for 1 or 2 sets if necessary.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.
Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatches: Keep the dumbbell close to the body on the way up as well as on the way down. Switching either above your head or on the way down. Some will feel that it is easier to come to the shoulder on the way down then pass off to the other hand here. We will then come to the hip before moving into the next rep.
-Scale: We can move to a Russian kettlebell swing if the shoulders are acting up.
Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks: Dumbbell must come to the hip first and then initiate the swing of the dumbbell to the shoulder before going overhead. Full lockout overhead with a locked elbow position and bicep by ears.
-Scale: We can adjust to a single arm dumbbell clean or just reduce the loads if the shoulders are an issue today.
metcon: "Ronan"
For time:
100 Double Unders
50 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches, 50/35 lbs
100 Double Unders
100 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
100 Double Unders
50 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks, 50/35 lbs
100 Double Unders
4 rounds for quality of:
8 L/8 R Front Foot Elevated Split Squats
10 Reverse Nordics
Sled Push, pick load, 100 ft