WOD: Friday 230714

If you ask nicely, I may just let you skip the buy-in and let you do more Cleans.

• Daily Focus

Today, our focus is on a Benchmark style workout with the goal of hitting a chipper of 120-90-60-30 reps. The final 30 Reps are to be done as Squat Cleans in a ladder format. The 120-90-60 of Double Unders, Toes-to-bars, and Handstand Push-ups can be partitioned into any format the athlete chooses as they tackle these reps. This should lead to a little quicker time to the barbell because small sets of each movement are allowed, which should lead to less rest time as well as more consistent movement. Use the barbell primer as a teaching tool in order to have athletes dialed in by the time they get to the final weights on the Clean Ladder.


• Barbell Primer

Every 90sec, 4-5 Sets w/ light loads

High Hang Muscle Clean

Tall Clean

High Hang Power Clean

Hang Squat Clean

Full Clean

We are just looking to start things off with a little primer here that is to be done helping athletes work up lightly in loads while focusing on different key points of performance in the clean. Work speed through the middle, a fast turnover, pulling under the bar, and a quality front rack position with a braced midline as we stand up out of the hole.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.

-Toes-to-bars: Similar to the rings here, where we are looking for that tight kip glide while keeping the lats active through the swing. Lets scale to alternating toe to bar, then knee to elbow, then strict knee raises and finally move to v-ups or sit-ups if we need an option that is not on the rig.

-Squat Clean: Keep chest tall on the set-up of each squat clean. The barbell should stay close and come up with the body working into full extension before pulling underneath into the squat clean. Really work to hit that good quality triple extension before working into the bottom of the squat. - We can sub out a Hang Power Clean + Front Squat or even just a Hang Squat Clean if positions or lower back problems are exacerbated by pulling from the floor.

metcon: "Tropic Thunder"

For time, partitioned any way:

120 Double Unders

90 Toes-to-bars

60 Handstand Push-ups

-- then --

10 Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs

8 Squat Cleans, 155/105 lbs

6 Squat Cleans, 185/125 lbs

4 Squat Cleans, 225/155 lbs

2 Squat Cleans, 245/165 lbs

Time domain: 14-17 mins

Time cap: 20 mins


5 rounds for quality of:

8 Back Rack Cyclist Squats, pick load

Wall Facing Handstand Hold, 30 secs

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