WOD: Friday 231013

Happy Friday the 13th, the second spookiest day of this month!

• Coaching Notes

Today's main focus is on Clean and Jerk development and a challenging barbell conditioning workout that has a little "Grettel" flare to it. The goal today is to spend some time working on the primer and positions leading into the barbell piece, then spend 12 minutes to build up to a heavy complex of a Power Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk. We can then adjust loads down and talk over barbell cycling techniques and strategies to tackle the workout "Renegade". The workout will have a two part style to it with the reps escalating in a 5-7-9 format before descending in a 9-7-5 format. This should allow for consistency from set to set. Two minutes is meant to be just enough time to regroup and keep the intensity high. Tackle this one with the goal of maintain quick singles or even some touch and go reps while keeping burpee cadence high.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Power Clean and Push Jerk: These can be done as short TnG reps or done as quick singles. We want to focus on a good set-up position on each rep with the chest staying tall. The bar coming through the hip and then catching in a quality position before pushing into the push jerk. For scaling today, we want to move to a hang position for the clean and lower the weight in order to make this more approachable and limit any issues off the floor.

Bar Facing Burpees: stay low to the bar and jump feet laterally close to the bar before jumping over the bar and rotating. Scale to a traditional Burpee or a Box Elevated Burpee.


Every 2 mins for 12 mins.

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk ], pick load

Starting @ 60% of Clean and Jerk *Not TnG, can reset before the squat clean

metcon: "Renegade"

For time: 5-7-9 reps of:

Clean & Jerk, 135/95 lbs

Bar Facing Burpee

-- Rest 2 mins --

9-7-5 reps of:

Clean & Jerk, 135/95 lbs

Bar Facing Burpee

Goal: Sub 3:00/Set, 7:00-9:00, including rest

Cap: 5:00/Set, 12:00 Running Time


For quality:

3 rounds of:

3 L/3 R Single Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerks, pick load

6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, pick load

-- then --

3 rounds of:

10 L/10 R Half Kneeling Paloff Press + Rotations

Single Leg GHD Hip Extension Hold, L 15 secs/R 15 secs

WOD Postalex burgyWOD