WOD: Friday 240105
I make the same exact face when I have to do more than one Snatch at a time.
• Coaching Notes
We are starting off the day with a challenging 10:00 minute EMOM of 3 Front Squats on the minute. The goal here is to hit each rep with speed and slowly build weight until the final 2 rounds are at 72%. The primary objective is to have speed and position on each rep. If that is challenging to maintain today then we should reduce the load in order to maintain the stimulus. We will then move into a challenging triplet centered around heavier Thrusters and Bar Muscle-Ups. We will be moving up the ladder with a brief stint on the row between rounds. The goal will be to maintain close to unbroken sets across both movements and hit the rower in under 40 seconds each round. The goal is to scale athletes on movements, loading, and volume in order to maintain the intended stimulus of the day.
strength: front Squats
Complete sets every 1 min.
Front Squat 1x3 at 65% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 65% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 65% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 67% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 67% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 67% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 70% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 70% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 72% 1RM
Front Squat 1x3 at 72% 1RM
metcon: "Boaty McBoatface"
As many reps as possible in 10 mins of:
12/9 Row Calories
3 Bar Muscle-ups
3 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs
12/9 Row Calories
4 Bar Muscle-ups
4 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs
12/9 Row Calories
5 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs ...
Continue adding 1 Bar Muscle-up and Thruster rep each round until time expires.
4 rounds for quality of:
8 L/8 R Single Arm Dumbbell Chainsaw Rows, pick load
12 Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
15 Tall Kneeling Banded Lat Pull-Downs