WOD: Friday 240119
Time to work on those bar muscle ups Kreeger!
• Coaching Notes
Today's session features a workout reminiscent of an Open-style challenge, highlighted by the inclusion of the Dual Dumbbell Ground to Overhead. This movement, while not new, is a classic and highly relevant, particularly as we often encounter novel exercises in the Open or Quarterfinals. It's an opportune time to familiarize ourselves with this movement as we prepare for the upcoming Open.
The primary focus of today's workout is to activate and prime our bodies, with special attention to Bar Muscle-Up and Chest to Bar progressions. These high-skill gymnastics elements are crucial for today's session, aiming for a day dedicated to refining these complex skills.
Additionally, a portion of our time will be devoted to discussing and practicing the proper technique for the Dumbbell Thruster, ensuring everyone is comfortable with positioning the dumbbells correctly. We will also review the technique for the Dual Dumbbell Ground to Overhead. Key points for this movement include keeping the dumbbells close to the body, establishing a dynamic and effective starting position with one head of each dumbbell on the floor, and ensuring a rapid and efficient extension to a full lockout overhead. This lockout should be characterized by complete extension of the knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows.
Our goal today is not only to challenge ourselves with these movements but also to ensure that we're building the skills and techniques that will serve us well in higher-level competitions. Let's focus on precision and efficiency in our movements today
metcon: "Boss Fight"
3 Rounds:
15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
15 Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35lb, (22.5/16kg)
15 Burpees to Target
1:00 rest between rounds
-Directly into-
3 Rounds:
8 Bar Muscle-Ups
8 Dual Dumbbell Ground to Overhead, 50/35lb, (22.5/16kg)
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20''
1:00 minute rest between rounds
Score: Total Time Including Rest
4 rounds for quality of:
6 L/6 R Elevated Front Rack + Suitcase Split Squats, pick load
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift Hold, pick load, L 15 secs/R 15 secs
10 L/10 R Side Plank Banded Rows