WOD: Friday 240412

Make sure you really put your back into today’s workout.

• Coaching Notes

We are finishing up our strength tests this week with our 1RM Deadlift. The reasoning behind this today was to keep the CNS fresh earlier in the week rather than taxing ourselves with a max Deadlift earlier in the week. By finishing the week here we were able to hit a better result on the Back Squat, Bench, Power Snatch, and Power Clean. Take a big focus to turn on the core, glutes, and hamstrings today prior to having athletes start in on the build for the Deadlift.

After the Deadlift we will be transitioning to the Squat Clean and Shoulder to Overhead with the goal of hitting a light primer and getting athletes to working loads. Have them touch a couple Wall Walks, Squat Cleans, Dubs, and Push Jerks prior to setting them on their way. We want to make sure the weights are appropriate and the athletes have good mechanics in place prior to the workout starting. If needed, modify to more simple movements that can be done without hiccup.

strength: deadlift, 1rm

20 mins to establish a 1RM.

metcon: "Slinky"

5 rounds for time of:

3 Wall Walks

5 Squat Cleans, 155/105 lbs

50 Double Unders

5 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 155/105 lbs

Time Domain: 9:00-12:00 minutes

Time Cap:15 Minutes


4 rounds for max hold of:

10 Glute Ham Raises

15 Banded GHD Hip Extensions

Max hold Sorenson Hold

WOD Postalex burgyWOD