WOD: Friday 240524

woman kettlebell swing

Swinging into the weekend like.

• Coaching Notes

We have a fun little piece today with the focus on overall strength capacity and development of the posterior chain and overhead press. We will be working our way through another one of those 3 part activation style warm-ups with the goal that the entire warm-up will prime the entire workout and really get us ready to tackle the work being done today. We are adding this in as it tends to just open up tight points for our athletes then hit the correct muscles that will be utilized during the workout prior to warming up the exact movements for the day. The intended purpose here is prehab work that limits injury and heightens muscle activation and priming.

We will then get into the strength conditioning piece which is meant to be heavy for the Deadlift and Strict Press with the goal of tackling some heavier sets of 3 today on the final lifts. Again we are targeting 3s that we know we have possibly just a little more in the tank today rather than really going for a 3 rep max.

*For gyms that have enough Ski Ergs, it would be great to sub that in today instead of the Rower, so choose that option if you have it available.

We will then hit a conditioning workout that acts more like a finisher and accessory conditioning piece to our strength piece. We will be tackling a fun Kettlebell couplet of American Kettlebell Swings and Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead. The goal is to reinforce the posterior chain and challenge unilateral movement in the overhead press. Have fun and get after it!

Strength Conditioning:

Every 1 min for 19 mins, alternating between:

5 Deadlifts, 75% 1RM

13/10 Row Calories

5 Strict Press, 75% 1RM

Rest 1 min

5 Deadlifts, 75% 1RM

13/10 Row Calories

5 Strict Press, 75% 1RM

Rest 1 min

4 Deadlifts, 80% 1RM

13/10 Row Calories

4 Strict Press, 80% 1RM

Rest 1 min

3 Deadlifts, pick load

13/10 Row Calories

3 Strict Press, pick load

Rest 1 min

3 Deadlifts, pick load

13/10 Row Calories

3 Strict Press, pick load

metcon: "Fillmore & Sarge"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 mins of:

12 American Kettlebell Swings, 70/53 lbs

6 L/6 R Single Arm Kettlebell Shoulder-to-Overheads, 70/53 lbs


Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:

Weighted Straight Arm Plank Hold, pick load, 45 secs

6 L/6 R Kettlebell Side Bends, pick load

1x [ V-up, 20 secs + Russian Twist, 20 secs ]

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