WOD: Monday 210426

There’s nothing more to add here that the photo doesn’t already say.

There’s nothing more to add here that the photo doesn’t already say.


- Strength: Today we'll be working up to a 1RM in the Back Squat over 8 sets, shooting for a 5# PR. Take strategic jumps. Screw your feet into the floor, and keep the arches of the feet elevated so that we can make sure the glutes are being engaged effectively.
- Metcon: New super evil BP Benchmark; "Driving Miss Gracie". After completing 30 C&J you'll use the remaining time on the 6-minute clock to rack up as many cals on the Bike as possible. Assuming you finish with barbell around the 3 minute mark, men should aim for 30 cals, women for 24.


1RM in 8 sets. Rest 2:30
- Goal: 5# PR
- L1: 3/5 x 5


In a 6:00 window:
30 Clean + Jerks (135/95)
Remaining time: Max Calories Air Bike
- Goal: Let it all hang out today and go for it! Score = total calories.

L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65)
L1: (75/55)


15 breaths.