WOD: Monday 210503
Is it “Thrust Issues” because of Thrusters or because I don’t trust my legs on box jumps?
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Today we will be focusing on a Band Resisted Sumo Deadlift, with the goal of hitting a #5lb PR over 8 sets, with good form. Remember that stance will vary based on your body type, so do what is comfortable for you - while keeping your lats tight, back locked in and screwing feet into the floor.
- Metcon: BP benchmark "Thrust Issues" last tested on 12/03. Do your best to keep the heels flat on the Thrusters, so you can maintain a good front rack position ( = not as hard to breathe). If you have poor front rack mobility, make sure to hit the Band Chicken Wing stretch, and even consider a slightly wider grip so you can palm the bar in the front rack.
Sumo Deadlift against a band
1RM in 8 sets. Rest 2:00
- Goal: 5# PR
- L1: 3/5 x 5 @moderate weight
"Thrust Issues"
Thrusters (95/65)
Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
* Last tested 12/03
- Goal: Very tough effort with room to push slightly harder in the last minute.
Rx+: (115/75)
L2: (75/55)
L1: (25/15 DB Thrusters) (BW Box Step-ups each)
TIME CAP = 6:00
Reverse Crunch
0/2 x 12. No rest.
RKC Plank
0/2 x 30s. Rest 60s.