WOD: Monday 211108

Looking strong Jordan and definitely not like you at a McRib before class.

Coaching Notes:

These are power clean and push jerk waves. This complex works on a couple different positions and we would like to see each complex done unbroken today. We really want to emphasize staying over the bar and transferring weight from more midfoot/forefoot at the floor to weight back and more evenly distributed through heel, while still rooting through the floor with your toes at the hang position. As we move through the hip, focus is to stay tight and drive the chest behind the bar then jump vertically. The goal today on our conditioning piece is to maintain big sets on the Toes-to-bar under some fatigue. This should feel a little like a sprint style workout, but pacing will still be a major consideration.

Scaling Modifications:

For the Clean Complex. For our newer athletes keeping them focused on the high hang/hang positions with light loads is the way to go. Then for the jerk working on a quality dip and drive and punch under the bar will be helpful.

For our workout today, we want to find a scaling modification that allows for sets of 5+ on the Toes-to-bar, at least in the early going. Anyone with shoulder or back issues should stick to strict knee raises or Knees-to-elbow. If hanging is an issue we can pull athletes to the floor and do supine Toes-to-bar. As always V-ups, AbMat Sit-ups and Tuck Crunches are options here.

Barbell Clean Complex:

1x [ 2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks ], 65% 1RM

1x [ 2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk ], 70% 1RM

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk ], 75% 1RM

1x [ 2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks ], 70% 1RM

1x [ 2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk ], 75% 1RM

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk ], 80% 1RM

1x [ 2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks ], 75% 1RM

1x [ 2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk ], 80% 1RM

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk ], 85% 1RM

"Great Odin's Raven!"

For time:

30 Toes-to-bars

30 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs

30 Toes-to-bars

Goal: 6:00-9:00

Time cap: 11:00


4 rounds for quality of:

D-Ball Carry, pick load, 100 ft

Pallof Press Hold, pick load L 30 secs/R 30 secs

Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick loadL 50 ft/R 50 ft

Single Arm Ring Plank L 20 secs/R 20 secs

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