WOD: Monday 211115

Smile through the pain Korynne. Welcome to the Sanctify family!

Coaching Notes:


We are continuing the progression on the snatch and now starting to work up to some heavy complex work before dialing things in and hitting some snatch waves in the final weeks leading up to test week. The low hang position is very effective and teaching athletes to focus on pushing the ground away, keeping the knees back and emphasizing staying over the bar longer to get that violent and dynamic hip extension.


The emphasis today is on moving quickly, staying smooth and hitting quality sets of ring muscle-ups under fatigue. We chose the numbers carefully to help with continuing to develop the capacity in the ring muscle-up. We are looking at the burpee box jump overs to create fatigue here in the press, get the heart rate high and challenge the athlete before moving into the ring muscle-ups. We want athletes to hit that first run fast, move into smooth burpee box jump overs and then try to hit either and unbroken set or a set of 4, then 3 in the ring muscle-ups. On rounds 2 and 3 we will utilize the run to pace things out a little more and then stay smooth on the BBJO in order to keep similar sets on the ring muscle-ups throughout the workout.

Scaling Considerations:

For the conditioning piece today we are focused on what to do to scale the muscle-up appropriately. If athletes have muscle-ups, by all means let them hit the muscle-up, but if and only if we see consistent safe mechanics in the catch of the dip. Forcing your way into a muscle-up with an improper support position is a good way to limit any potential gains down the way. Have athletes work on a strict pull-up and strict dip variation to get to a better overall support position and make sure they really emphasize going into a deep dip position to get this much needed range of motion.

Weightlifting Snatch Complex:

Every 2 mins for 16 mins: Snatch Pulls, Low Hang Squat Snatches, and Squat Snatches:

1x [ 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Low Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch ]

pick load Every 2 mins for 16 mins.

"Talkin' Bout Practice"

3 rounds for time of:

Run 400 m

11 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in

7 Ring Muscle-ups

Time domain: 8:00-12:00

Time cap: 15:00


4 rounds for quality of:

5 Sotts Press, pick load

12 Inverted Rows

12 Deficit Parallette Push-ups

10 Zottman Curls

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