WOD: Monday 211129
Time to turn those three plates of Thanksgiving food into three plates on the barbell.
Points of Performance & Coaching Cues:
-Clean & Jerk: Smooth off the floor, fast through the hips. Pull under the bar and drive up through the elbows on the front squat out of the clean. For the jerk, stay tall and drive fast by punching under the bar.
-Chest-to-bar: Working on keeping shoulders active and engaged during the kip. Press away from the bar and back into a quality swing with a good arch to create a strong powerful kip.
Scaling Considerations:
-We are working on some technical stuff today, so making sure that we really hit the mark with scaling athletes is paramount.
-For the Clean and Jerk, if need be just keep athletes at a hang clean and jerk @ 70% across to work on form and quality reps.
-For the conditioning piece, we want to find a weight that can allow for unbroken sets on the squats, so choose a modification that allows for that. Athletes with front rack issues can go to dual dumbbell front squats, or goblet squats. For pull-ups, banded strict pull-ups, jumping pull-ups or ring rows are the go to for the day.
For quality:
3 rounds (start at hips, then from knees, then from mid-shin) of:
1 Clean High Pull
1 Muscle Clean
1 Tall Clean
1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk (3 sec pause in split)
-- then --
Add weight and hit singles up to 70% 1RM.
Every 1 min for 16 mins: Clean & Jerk:
Set 1-8: 70% 1RM
Set 9-16: 75%+ 1RM - If you make a lift you go to 80% 1RM, if you miss a lift you go back to 70% 1RM, and so on...hence the snake title.
7 RFT:
7 Front Squats, 165/115 lbs
7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
75/52 kg
Time domain 4-7 mins
Time cap: 10 mins
Lifting: Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press and Sled Rope Pulls
[ 10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press ] 1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set
[ Sled Rope Pull, 100 ft ] 1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set
Sled Rope Pull, 100 ft or 4 L/4 R Rope Pull-ups
Alternate movements for 3 sets of each. Build weight each set to a heavy for the day.