WOD: Monday 220117
Another Monday full of Front Squats. Alicia’s favorite activity.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Front Squats: Chest up, elbows through and focus on pressing up through the barbell as we accelerate out of the hole on each rep.
-Dumbbell Front Squats: Keep dumbbells resting on shoulders to provide less fatigue in the shoulders as the workout progresses.
-Burpees: Stay low and move fast.
• Scaling Considerations
-Front Squats: We can scale to a box front squat for those with knee and back issues or a barbell hip thrust if loading the spine is problematic.
-Dumbbell front squats can be scaled to a goblet squat so we are working with a single dumbbell or we can move to an air squat variation to provide less loading on the body.
Strength, Front Squat:
Every 2 mins for 16 mins:
3 Front Squats, pick load
100% 5RM or ~80-85% 1RM
"An Acceptable Surrender"
As many reps as possible in 7 mins of:
2 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50/35 lbs
2 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbells
4 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50/35 lbs
4 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbells
6 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50/35 lbs
6 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbells ...
Continue adding 2 reps each round to each movement until time expires.
5 rounds of:
12 Ring Hamstring Curls
Max effort Weighted Sorenson Hold, 45/35 lbs
Side Plank, L 20 secs/R 20 secs