WOD: Monday 220328

Two weightlifting pieces in one day? What have we done to deserve such a treat?

• Plyometrics

We want to go over the depth drop with our athletes and talk about how to land in a quick responsive manner. This should look like a great quarter squat position like that of the catch position we see on the power snatch and power clean. Once we land, we want to react and jump to a box by working on good force development off the floor.


• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues

-Power Snatch: Focus on being patient on the first pull and then being aggressive through the second pull into the hip and third pull as we extend fast and pull under the bar with a rapid turnover. Think quick feet, not big feet and solid punch.

-Power Clean: Focus on being patient on the first pull and then being aggressive through the second pull into the hip and third pull as we extend fast and pull under the bar with a rapid turnover and elbows fast through to a quality front rack position.


• Scaling Considerations

-For the power snatch and the power clean today, let's move to a hang position and work on technical proficiency from the knee to the hip. This allows for athletes newer to the olympic lifts to develop technical proficiency from the top down.

-For the depth drop + box jump, we want to see a quality position on the land before the jump, so scaling to just a depth jump and hitting that landing position can be a great modification as a start.


Every 1:30 for 9 mins:

3 Depth Drop + Box Jumps, pick height

Weightlifting A:

Every 1 min for 10 mins: Power Snatch

1 Power Snatch, pick load

Starting at 60% 1RM and building up to a max.

Rest 5 mins before B.

Weightlifting B:

Every 1 min for 10 mins: Power Clean

1 Power Clean, pick load

Starting at 60% 1RM and building up to a max.

Core Finisher

3 rounds of:

20 Alternating V-ups max effort

Hollow Hold Rest

1 min

20 Russian Twists max effort

Extended Plank Hold Rest 1 min

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