WOD: Monday 220919
• Daily Focus
Today is quite simple. We are working up to a 5RM in the first half of class and in the second half of class we will be tackling 4 sets of 4 mins at near maximal efforts on the rower with 4 min rest periods between in order to start to peak our capacity here. For the back squat, we suggest that athletes hit sets of 3 reps at a time above 70% 1RM building into the range of 85% 1RM and then decide what their final jump should be for a 5RM. On paper this should be right in the range of 87-90% 1RM. For the row, if we were to give a specific pace today the goal would be to hold close to 2 km pace on each 4 min segment as we have pretty large rest periods here today to allow for greater ability to sustain efforts.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Back Squats: Brace through the midline. Create global tension and a full 360 degree breath on each rep.
-Scale: Best way to scale the squat today would be to utilize a box squat. This will reduce stress on the knees and lower back. We could also go to a Bulgarian split squat, weighted step-up, or some other unilateral modification if the lower back is the issue.
Rowing: Initiate the rower as legs, then body, then arms. The biggest focus we want to see is a straight chain path and constant tension throughout the movement. There should be no wobble in the chain.
-Scale: Scale to any machine today and get after it. If you decide to make this a run progression, this would be done as 3x 1000 m at maximum effort with 4 min rest periods.
Strength: 5RM Back Squat
Take 12 mins to establish a 5RM.
MetCon: "Salmon of Capistrano"
Each for distance:
Row: 3x 4 mins
Rest 4 mins between efforts.
Goal is to hold your 2 km pace for each 4 min segment. These should be near all-out efforts and we have equal work to equal rest today. Expectation is definitely to have some respiratory fatigue here as the heart rate will climb steadily throughout each 4 min interval.
4 rounds for quality of:
10-10-8-8 Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
Sandbag Bear Hug Hold, pick load, 45 secs
15 Weighted Hip Extensions, pick load