WOD: Monday 221010
Congrats on making it through a tough training week last week. Enjoy this deload week, but next week will be Test Week.
• Daily Focus
The goal today is to touch on some moderate percentage work at a volume that will promote recovery of both the muscular system and CNS as we head into next week. We will be starting things off with a Strength EMOM. The first minute of work will be either 8 deadlifts at 65% 1RM or 8 bench press at 65% 1RM. We will do this for 8 mins (4 sets) with the goal of working with a partner on alternating mins to accomplish the work. We will hit an AMRAP of power cleans and strict handstand push-ups with a run buy-in to each round. The goal is to finish each run in under 2 mins to allow 2 mins+ of the AMRAP, which should equate to 2+ rounds.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Deadlifts: Keep the bar close and have the hips and torso rise at the same time during the deadlift. We also want them to descend in a similar fashion by keeping tension against the barbell rather than letting the barbell pull you down to the floor.
-Scale: We should first just change the position and move to a sumo deadlift or hex bar deadlift. This will allow a better position for athletes that may be limiting in hamstring mobility. Then we can go to a dual kettlebell or dumbbell Romanian deadlift as the next scale that will still promote the development of the hinge pattern while limiting stress from lifting heavy off the floor.
Dumbbell Power Cleans: Only two heads of the dumbbells need to touch. Rx'd would be for both heads of the dumbbells to touch on the outside of the feet, we can move to the inside of the feet for anyone with limited range of motion. We then want to focus on hip extension, a jump and then land with 2 heads of the dumbbells landing on the shoulders with elbows in front of the dumbbells.
-Scale: Reduce the load and/or go to a hang dual dumbbell power cleans in order to keep the stimulus and form of the movement.
Strict Handstand Push-ups: Create a solid stable tripod with an active shoulder, then move into extension through a strong press and firm lockout at the elbow and flexing the core.
-Scale: We want to have some tools in our tool box for the handstand push-up. The box pike handstand push-up is definitely our favorite option, but only if the athlete can do it correctly and maintain the proper pressing form. Dual dumbbell strict press is never a bad option and helps those that feel like going inverted will be an issue.
Every 1 min for 8 mins, alternating between:
8 Deadlifts, 65% 1RM
8 Bench Press, 65% 1RM
MetCon: "Big Daddy"
For 3 cycles:
In 4 mins do:
Run, 400 m
--Then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 50/35 lbs
8 Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rest 2 mins between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP.
3 rounds for quality of:
Sorenson Hold, 1 min
Side Plank, L 30 secs/R 30 secs
Double Kettlebell Front Rack
Wall Sit, pick load, 30 secs