WOD: Monday 221212
Alrighty folks, let’s see if all that squatting has paid off.
• Daily Focus
Today we are tackling our 20RM back squat to put a cherry on top of this cycle. We have built things up linearly throughout the course of this cycle and we should have a really good idea of the feel and goal weight we are trying to hit today. After our 20RM, we are going to move into a classic CrossFit couplet built on the exact style of what we would expect to see in the Open. The goal here is fast and efficient. Athletes should push the pace from the get-go and see if they can hang on.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Back Squats: Brace through the midline. Create global tension and a full 360 degree breath on each rep.
-Scale: Best way to scale the squat today would be to utilize a box squat. This will reduce stress on the knees and lower back. We could also go to a Bulgarian split squat, weighted step-up, or some other unilateral modification if the lower back is the issue.
Thrusters: We want to see the barbell on a good front rack position with the elbows out and in front of the bar. Work to keep vertical out of the squat and drive forcefully through the ground to create a strong vertical drive on the bar.
-Scale: We can move to dumbbell thrusters or lighten the load today to work on better form and maintain a high cycle rate.
Bar Facing Burpees: Stay low to the bar and jump feet laterally close to the bar before jumping over the bar and rotating.
-Scale: Scale to a traditional burpee or a box elevated burpee.
strength: back squat, 20 rep max
metcon: "Lightning McQueen"
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps, for time of:
Thruster, 95/65 lbs
Bar Facing Burpee
Time domain: 4-7 mins
Time cap: 10 mins
Sleep 8 hours. Eat.