WOD: Monday 230123
Looks like Snatches are back on the menu!
• Daily Focus
Today we are tackling a little hang snatch into a touch-and-go squat snatch. The goal here is to build off the complex we hit week 1 and either try to match it or best it. This offers a little more complexity to it as we are now working into a 2 rep snatch with a touch and go rep to the floor which should challenge the grip a bit. Athletes will need to really work on extension to make sure they finish the lift into the 3rd pull. We will then be tackling a quick little triplet that is in a familiar combo for us with the mix of power snatches + double unders + overhead squats.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Hang Snatches: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up at the knee, then accelerate through the hips working on a vertical drive on the bar before pull under the bar fast and catch with a firm punch. This will reinforce staying over the bar longer allowing the athlete to get the bar back to the hip contact point better.
Snatches: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up, stay patient on the first pull off the floor and then accelerate through the hips before catching with a firm punch. As much as it may seem counterintuitive, staying over the bar longer will allow the athlete to get the bar back to the hip contact point better.
–Scale: For the snatch today we can lower the weight, go to the hang position and just work on really quality positions. If the athlete has some issues with the barbell, we can move to an American kettlebell swing or alternating dumbbell snatch.
Power Snatches: We want to work on barbell cycling patterns here and keeping the barbell close while also keeping the chest tall as we move to the floor. For the hang position we want to keep the same idea but work the barbell only to the knee then back through the hip before coming overhead.
-Scale: Go to hang power snatches and or lighten the load. We could also go to American kettlebell swings or alternating dumbbell snatches for those that are limited with a barbell in their hands.
Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.
Overhead Squats: Keep pressing on the bar as we go in and out of the hole of the squat. Press through the elbows and elevate the shoulder blades.
-Scale: Sub an overhead walking lunge or a front squat as the go to alternatives for today.
Every 1min for 10min
1x [ 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch ], pick load Every 1 min for 10 mins.
Start at 72% 1RM and increase by feel. Keep movement technical and fast.
metcon: "Neytiri"
5 rounds for time of:
10 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
50 Double Unders
10 Overhead Squats, 75/55 lbs
Time domain: 5-8 mins
Time cap: 10 mins
4 rounds for quality of:
8 L/8 R Single Leg Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
8 Kettlebell Front Rack Cyclist Squats, pick load