WOD: Monday 230605
Strap in and get ready to enter the world of 10 rep Front Squats!
• Daily Focus
Today we will be working into our first day of the squat cycle we have developed for the Hybrid Cycle. The main focus with this session is to build our capacity to hit a new 10RM mid-cycle and then retest at the end of the cycle and hit another new 10RM. By building up our capacity in the Front Squat we will accomplish two things, better positions in the clean and the front squat, as well as developing better total body muscular endurance and stability through the core. We will then move into a high capacity conditioning effort with the emphasis on midline stability and conditioning. The combo of front squats into this will pack a good punch for our mid-section to start the week.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
-Row Calories: Get the rower moving quickly and then work on a steady state long stroke. Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish.
-Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry: Work on a quality set-up and clean to the shoulders, then keep everything tight and engaged with a quality rack position and the knuckles touching at the collar bone.
-V-ups: Lie on your back and extend your arms behind your head. Keep your feet together and toes pointed.Keep your legs straight and lift them up as you simultaneously raise your upper body off the floor. Keep your core tight as you reach for your toes with your hands in one motion. If needed, scale to tuck-ups or AbMat sit-ups.
-Sandbag Carry: Lap the bag by getting under it and utilizing the forearms, then grab the bag tight with arms wrapped around it tightly. Stand tall and keep the bag in the belly and chest tall as we walk. We can scale by lightening the load and/or go to dual kettlebell front rack carry.
Complete sets every 2:30 for 10 mins.
Front Squat 1x10 at 60% 1RM
Front Squat 1x10 at 60% 1RM
Front Squat 1x10 at 65% 1RM
Front Squat 1x10 at 70% 1RM
metcon: "Can't Stop"
3 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps/distance of:
Row Calorie
Rest 30 secs
Sandbag Carry, 150/100 lbs
Rest 30 secs
Echo Bike Calorie
Rest 30 secs V-up
Rest 30 secs
Rotate immediately to the next station, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.
3 rounds for quality of:
10 Goblet Cyclist Squats, pick load
Reverse Sled Drag, pick load, 200 ft
15 L/15 R Terminal Knee Extensions
Plate Hip Thrust Hold, 45/35 lbs, 45 secs