WOD: Monday 230821

Just when you thought you could escape high rep squats, they come right back for your lunch money.

• Coaching Notes

We are having a little more of a functional bodybuilding style focused day with an upper and lower body push emphasis. We will start the day with strength work on Bench Press having that as our priority to warm-up to 70%, then moving into 4 Sets of 5 Reps at increasing loads up to 80%. This will lead us into the Back Squat. All we need to do here is adjust loads, touch a couple squats up to our working load, then perform 1 set of 20 Reps. Because we have the Back Squat reps from the rack in the workout, we can now just add weight to our working weight for the day and start touching the other movements before getting into the workout. This is how we will manage the class more effectively as well as working in our strength progressions we are focused on for this cycle.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Bench Press: Engage the lats and mid back by focusing on breaking the bar and pulling the bar down to you. The Bench Press should be initiated through the shoulders and mid back and rather than just focusing on the chest/pecs being the primary mover. Substitute a floor press, dumbbell bench press, or tall kneeling double landmine press, in order to work on a horizontal pressing motion that is more adaptable for those with shoulder mobility issues.

-Back Squat: Brace through the midline. Create global tension and a full 360 degree breath on each rep. The best way to scale the squat today would be to utilize a box squat. This will reduce stress on the knees and lower back. We could also go to a Bulgarian split squat, weighted step-up, or some other unilateral modification if the lower back is the issue.

-Dumbbell Deficit Push-ups: You should be a moving plank and initiate the rep through the shoulders and not the elbows. The hands will be placed on the dumbbells and the chest must come through the dumbbells and touch the floor and on each and every rep. We should adjust to traditional push-ups, elevated push-ups, or band assisted push-ups if the deficit is too much for athletes .

-Dual Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-up: Jump into a burpee holding the dumbbells, then stand up to the box, staying close to the box while bracing the midline. We will then step off the box and jump back into a burpee before stepping back up and into the next box step-up. Sub to weighted lunges or alternating step-ups (unweighted)

-L-Sit on Dumbbells: Press hard through the arms and then pike the feet up to bring them to a tight parallel position to the floor. Due to the fact that the dumbbells are so low to the floor, this will make the L-Sit even more challenging. We can place our butt on the floor, press through the dumbbells and work our way into a pike-up hold as an alternative today.

strength A:

Every 2 mins for 8 mins.

5 Bench Press

Set 1: 5 reps at 75% 3RM

Set 2: 5 reps at 80% 3RM

Set 3: 5 reps at 85% 3RM

Set 4: 5 reps at 85% 3RM

Strength b:

Back Squat 1x20

55% of 5RM

metcon: "Push Pop"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:

2 Back Squats, 315/205 lbs

4 Dumbbell Deficit Push-ups

6 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-ups, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

Dumbbell L-Sit Hold, 10 secs


4 rounds for quality of:

6 L/6 R Goblet Box Pistols, pick load

6 Straight Bar Dips

16 V-ups

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