WOD: Monday 231023

For a good time, call Fran at 21-15-9.

• Coaching Notes

We are getting after "Fran" today. The focus today is finding that intensity and really pushing the pace. We are looking for athletes to tackle a load that allows for sets to be as close to unbroken as possible and also work into a pull-up scaling modification that allows for the same. Intensity is the driver of fitness today, so search for that. As always in our search for intensity we will not neglect mechanics and consistency. This means we need to scale accordingly in order to hit the correct stimulus while maintaining form. We will start the day with a complex to get our bodies used to a little heavier load before dropping the load for the workout, then hit a light primer that is meant to get the system up to speed before hitting the workout.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Thruster: We want to see the barbell in a good front rack position with the elbows out and in front of the bar. Work to keep vertical out of the squat and drive forcefully through the ground to create a strong vertical drive on the bar. We can move to DB thrusters or lighten the load today to work on better form and maintain a high cycle rate.

-Pull-Ups: Full extension at the bottom of each rep and chin over bar at the top of each rep. Focus on being rhythmic and relaxed throughout. We are looking for strict banded pull-ups or toenail spot pull-ups today as the primary sub or even for level 1 to move to jumping pull-ups.


Every 2 mins for 12 mins.

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Thruster ], pick load

Starting @ 60% of your 1RM Thruster and Build to a technical heavy for the day.

metcon: fran

21-15-9 reps, for time of:

Thruster, 95/65 lbs


Goal:: 3:00-7:00 minutes

Time Cap: 10:00 minutes


3 rounds for quality of:

10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows

10 Dumbbell Zottman Curls, pick load

5 L/5 R Dumbbell Feet Elevated Split Squats, pick load

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