WOD: Monday 231218
Let’s finish off the year by filling up that PR board!
• Coaching Notes
We are starting off the day with a 1RM Overhead Squat. We will do this by performing 1 Rep every 2:00 minutes for 12:00 minutes. This will give us 6 lifts and a good amount of time to rest and adjust loads going into the next attempt. The big focus for a lot of our athletes today will be on how to get the bar from the back rack to overhead. Spend some time talking through the behind the neck push jerk and behind the neck split jerk in order to reach an optimal overhead position with heavy loads. Once we get to a certain weight, athletes may need to drop the bar and have partners help them rerack the bar, rather than having to catch a heavy load on the back rack. Remember the goal is a new 1RM, however for newer athletes with the Overhead Squat, our expecation would be to work on positions at a load they feel comfortable and controlled with.
We will then move into a powerful triplet with the goal of reinforcing quality overhead positions by placing a greater emphasis on the Overhead Squat in this piece. We are combining the work here with Box Jump Overs and American KBS in an effort to add some accessory style movements to the Snatch in a conditioning setting. We will add volume here today and emphasize hip extension as the primary focal point.
Every 2 mins for 12 mins.
1 Overhead Squat, starting @ 75%
metcon: "Jason"
As many reps as possible in 12 mins of:
4 Overhead Squats, 115/75 lbs
6 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
8 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
6 Overhead Squats, 115/75 lbs
6 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
8 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
8 Overhead Squats, 115/75 lbs
6 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
8 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs ...
Continue adding 2 Overhead Squat reps each round until time expires.
-Goal: Get through the round of 14 Overhead Squats and into the round of 16.
-Primary Objective: Keep each set of Overhead Squats unbroken
-Secondary Objective: Keep transitions between movements under 6 seconds
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Crossbody Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
10 L/10 R Single Arm Kettlebell Box Step-ups, pick load, 24/20 in
15 Weighted Hip Extensions, pick load