WOD: Monday 240219
Let’s start the week off right with another 5RM test!
• Coaching Notes
We are getting into a little posterior chain focused day on a Monday to blast off into the first week of the Open. Note that the overall volume should remain a little lower today on the Deadlifts as we build to the 5RM. We will however get some added volume for the posterior chain with the Dumbell Burpee Power Cleans and the Dumbbell Deadlifts. The entire focus of this workout is to mimic the feel of an open workout, while still keeping volume to a manageable and recoverable level. For those with any back discomfort leading into today, the ideal scale would be to move to a block deadlift, to shorten the range of motion and allow for a more ideal position to brace from. Moving through ranges of motion and bracing can help to rebuild the back as long as we keep the loads lighter as well.
strength: deadlift 5rm
Complete sets every 3 mins.
Set 1: 70% 1RM
Set 2: 75% 1RM
Set 3: 80% 1RM
Set 4: 85% 1RM
Set 5: 5RM
Metcon: "Quicksand"
For time:
6 rounds of:
6 Dumbbell Burpee Power Cleans, 50/35 lbs
36 Double Unders
-- then --
4 rounds of:
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50/35 lbs
12 Lateral Burpee Over Dumbbells
Time Domain: 11:00-15:00
Time Cap: 16:00 minutes
3 rounds for quality of:
Side Plank, L 30 secs/R 30 secs
15 Weighted Hip Extensions, pick load
Sandbag Carry, pick load, 100 ft