WOD: Monday 240429
Final week of our transition week, then the real stuff begins!
• Coaching Notes
We are getting into a strength conditioning EMOM, that will create a little bit of a battery work style feel to the workout. The Bike is meant to be after the Front Squat and the Ski Erg is meant to be after the Bench Press in order to add a touch of pump to the session even though the reps are only in the 3-5 rep range. We are not looking to push to maximal loads here for the sets, but more looking to keep in the range of about 2-3 reps in reserve on each set, even while building loads over the course of the 5 sets.
We are looking to prime the system here and build with a little primer barbell complex to practice catching the first front squat in a squat clean then standing up to complete the next two reps. Please keep the loads manageable and without the need for a spot on the Bench Press as we are probably going to have the entire class working at the same time. The goal for separation here would be to start athletes on the Front Squat and Bench, then if needed also have another two stations starting on the bike and the ski erg.
3 rounds for quality of:
1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat ], pick load
Rest 30 secs 3 Bench Press, pick load
metcon: "The Air Fryer"
Every 1 min for 30 mins, alternating between:
3 Front Squats, pick load
13/10 Bike Erg Calories
5 Bench Press, pick load
13/10 Ski Erg Calories
Rest 1 min
Front Squats will be from the floor, 3 second Pause on 3rd Rep
Loads: Starting @ 70% of 1RM for both lifts and increasing to an 8 RPE
3 rounds for quality of:
20 Back Rack Box Step-ups, pick load, 24/20 in
10 Deficit Parallette Push-ups
20 Dumbbell Renegade Rows, pick load