WOD: Monday 240610

I make the same face when doing thrusters as well Bonds.

• Coaching Notes

We are starting off the test week with two strength tests and completing a 3RM Strict Press and 3RM Back Squat. The Back Squat will of course take more time to warm-up and also more out of the body as we work through the EMOM. A good strategy to tell athletes is to use most of the minute as they get to their last set in order to increase the time between sets to as close to 3:00 minutes as possible. We will move from the strength tests to an anaerobic lactic endurance style workout that will burn up the quads with Thrusters and Echo Bike. There probably isn’t a more challenging combo when done right!


Every 1 min for 15 mins, alternating between:

3 Strict Press, pick load

3 Back Squats, pick load

Rest 1 min

Weights start @ 80% and increase to 3RM for the Day

metcon: "Race Pace"

5 rounds, 1 min each, for max reps of:

10 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

Max reps in remaining time Bike Calories

Rest 1 min


Every 1 min for 15 mins, alternating between:

15 GHD Reverse Hypers

5 L/5 R Single Arm Arnold Press, pick load

30 Banded Single Arm Lat Pull Downs

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