WOD: Monday 240624
Finally, back to strength training.
• Coaching Notes
The focus of the day today will be on the Front Squat and then getting into a high capacity classic CrossFit triplet with a Helen-ish style workout. The goal today is to keep the overall flow of the day by hitting by getting into the Front Squat work with an empty barbell or light loading in the rack and then just starting a 15 minute clock with the goal of hitting the heavy within the first 10 minutes, then moving into the drop sets over the next 5 minutes.
The transition to the WOD Today should be quick and simple with much of the prep done in the preliminary warm-up. We will want to touch on scaling modifications and have athletes hit some American Kettlebell Swings prior to hitting the workout. This should allow time for athletes to also get a bathroom break and just get final touches getting ready for the workout.
strength part a:
Take 10 mins to build to a heavy.
Pause Front Squat 1x2
2 sec pause.
strength part b
3 Front Squats @ 85-90% of Heavy for the Day
5 Front Squats @ 80% of Heavy for the Day
*No Pause on the Drop Sets
metcon: "Rocket Power"
3 rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
20 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
Run, 400 m
Time Domain: 11:00-15:00
Time Cap: 18:00
4 rounds for quality of:
12 Front Rack Box Step-ups, pick load, pick height
21 Prone IYTs, pick load