WOD: Monday 240722
Time to put all of that double under practice to the test Rachel.
• Coaching Notes
The focus today is on speed and mechanics. We are using the warm-up here today to prime the system for quality Split Jerks and get us optimally prepared to tackle a more specific coach led barbell session prior to getting into the Split Jerk component. This should prime us and prepare us to tackle the conditioning component today to create little need for transition or specific prep for the workout. The workout consists of alternating Dumbbell Snatch, Double Unders, and Burpees. The main focus here will be on the Alternating Dumbbell Snatch and more specifically the body position when pulling the Dumbbell from the floor. Please make sure to prime this and get things flowing prior to the workout. Remember, the focus is to scale according to the stimulus. We could see some fast athletes get sub 10 here, so when scaling think about the possibility of athletes being able to do the Dumbbell Snatch unbroken. i.e. if they only had to do 40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches they could if needed.
Strength: Split Jerk
Every 2:00 x 6 sets
Set 1: 2 x 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 76%
Set 2: 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 81%
Set 3: 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 86%
Set 4: 1 Split Jerk @ 91%
Set 5: 1 Split Jerk @ 91%
Set 6: 1 Split Jerk @ 91%
metcon: "Amor Fati"
For Time:
3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
40-30-20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
20 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbells
Dumbbell: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Goal: 11-15 minutes
Time Cap: 17 minutes
12:00 EMOM
Minute 1 - 4/4 Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press, Heavy
Minute 2 - 20 Banded Strict Press, Fast
Minute 3 - 4/4 Chest Supported Single Arm Dumbbell Row, Heavy
Minute 4- 20 Seated Banded Rows, Fast