WOD: Monday 240805
I’m gone this week, so make me proud and fill up that PR board (holy quads Heurung)!
• Coaching Notes
We hit our 1RM Clean and Jerk last week and are building into our 1RM Snatch this week. This falls in line with the alternating fashion of our weightlifting progression over the course of our Achilles Cycle and sets us up nicely for the Hercules Cycle. The 1RM Snatch will lead us nicely into the conditioning piece where we are hitting Overhead Squats for max reps at the end of a buy-in of Rope Climbs and Bar Facing Burpees. The style and structure of how we are targeting this today will allow athletes to work their way through on a 30 second delay in order to get multiple athletes through the AMRAP and workout. We are always thinking about class management and so should you. The style and structure here should separate the class out quite a bit and allow for a smooth workout if you are on your coaching game today.
strength: snatch 1rm
Take 15:00 to Establish a 1RM Snatch.
Suggested Build:
3 Reps @ 65%
3 Reps @ 70%
2 Reps @ 75%
1 Rep @ 80%
1 Rep @ 86%
1 Rep @ 91%
1 Rep @ 96%
1RM Attempt
Metcon: "Adaptation"
4 rounds, 2 mins each, for max reps of:
2 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Max reps in remaining time Overhead Squats, 135/95 lbs
Rest 1 min
3 rounds for quality of:
12 Goblet Cyclist Squats, pick load
12 Dumbbell Zottman Curls, pick load
Single Arm Overhead Carry, pick load, L 100 ft/ R 100 ft