WOD: Saturday 210612

Thank you again Nic & Lori for allowing us to hang out and eat at your house last Saturday. Thank you  to everyone who stopped by and brought something to share.  And a special thank you to Arce and Staver for the brisket and ribs. Seriously Arce, how much for a brisket?

Thank you again Nic & Lori for allowing us to hang out and eat at your house last Saturday. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and brought something to share. And a special thank you to Arce and Staver for the brisket and ribs. Seriously Arce, how much for a brisket?

Whiteboard Brief

- Metcon: Today's work is Strongman conditioning done with a partner, "I go, you go" format. Do your best to maintain your posture against the weight of the carries and challenge yourself with the Sled weight

AMRAP 30 with a partner:

Sledpush x 90 ft.
Farmer Carry x 90 ft.
Odd Object Carry x 90 ft.
- One partner completes a full set and then rests while their partner goes.
- Goal: This should be a challenging workout but allow you to stay consistent for all rounds. This workout can be done with a number of options (D-Ball, Sandbag, Wheel Barrow, Stone, Log etc) for object carries. If you don't have anything that will work for this, substitute a KB Front Rack Carry. Sled weight should be moderate/heavy.

Rx+: (40ft Handstand Walk after each round)
*Alternative to Sled Push
- 45s Bike Sprint, Rest 90s-120s

Banded Curls

0/3 x 20. Rest 60s.

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