WOD: Saturday 211120
My goal in life is to be as unbothered as Lori is during workouts.
Coaching Notes:
Today's workout is definitely a burner and will leave you thoroughly taxed once you finish things off. We are looking for partners to try to alternate every 250m for the 1000m row and then get into 15 squats unbroken each before moving into sets of 5-10 Chest-to-bar pull-ups. Even if you can maintain sets of 3-5 here we are okay working with that being the stimulus. This workout will take a long time, but remember you are only working for half the time so ideally you are keeping a relatively fast cycle rate minimizing excessive rest periods. i.e. there should really be no time that reps aren't being accumulated here.
Scaling Considerations:
For the Front Squat today we can scale a multitude of different ways. The best way would be to just reduce the loads, then if mobility is an issue go to DB Front Squats or a Goblet Squat to keep stimulus while reducing need for a solid front rack position.
For the Chest-to-bar pull-ups we can go to an inverted row to get a little more mid-trap engagement and teach the athlete to really retract the shoulder blades at the top of the pull-up or we can go to a jumping Chest-to-bar or banded strict Chest-to-bar variation.
Teams of 2 -5 rounds for time of:
Row, 1000 m
30 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs
30 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
4 rounds of:
5 L/5 R Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
5 Seated Box Jumps
Max effort Wall Sit
Bulgarian Split Squats- 3030 tempo
Seated Box Jumps- to a high box