WOD: Saturday 220212
You getting after it today Matt?
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Chest-to-bar Pull-ups: Focus today is seeing that retraction of the shoulder blades and reaching the chest to the bar to really get contact and maintain the movement standard.
-Wall Balls: Looking for a full depth squat, while keeping the elbows in front of the body and underneath the ball. As the RX'd standard we are looking for the ball to hit the target each and every rep.
-Rope Climbs: Focal point today is to emphasis is to see athletes jump high and pull their feet to their hands before getting a quick and firm bite of the rope with their feet.
• Scaling Considerations
-Bike Substitutions:
Run, 200 m
11/9 Row Calories or Ski Erg Calories
-Chest-to-bar Pull-ups: Scale to chin over bar pull-ups, then jumping pull-ups. Goal is a sprint effort so those are the best options for the stimulus of the day.
-Wall Balls: We first want to scale weight, but then scale the movement to an air squat. We would do this if the athlete has an immature squat and needs more work there.
-Rope Climbs: Scale to a pull-to-stand as the main modifier, but could also sub out 4 L/4 R single arm ring rows as well.
Teams of 2, alternating full rounds - 10 rounds for time of:
10/8 Bike Calories
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
15 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
1 Rope Climb
Time cap: 25 mins
3 rounds for quality of:
4 Rolling V-ups
1x [ 6 Bicycle Crunches + 6 Alternating V-ups ]
1x [ 6 Tuck Crunches + 6 Straddle V-ups ]
1x [ 6 Toe Touches + 6 Reverse Crunches ]
1x [ 6 L/6 R Oblique Tucks + 6 L/6 R Side V-ups ]