WOD: Saturday 220219
Which stations would you want to start at? Get the wall walks out of the way or the box jump overs?
• Workout Primer
2 rounds for quality (building to working loads) of:
5 L/5 R Single Arm Snatch High Pulls
3 L/3 R Dumbbell Muscle Snatches
1 Wall Walk- practice descent back to the floor
5 Deadlifts
5 Box Jump Overs
-Working into a couple sets of the movements in the workout today and building to working loads over the course of the 2 rounds.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: Keep the dumbbell close to the body and make sure to keep an upright torso in our set-up position. Ideally we want to transition the dumbbell on the way to the floor as it will help to create better tension when moving into the next rep.
-Wall Walks: Count your steps on your hands from the start position to the wall and off the wall. Work to make this efficient and consistent.
• Scaling Considerations
-Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: We can lighten the load and move to a hang dumbbell snatch or Russian Kettlebell Swing if going overhead or back pain is an issue.
-Wall Walks: Scale to a pike walk-to-box.
-Deadlifts: Sumo deadlifts, hex bar deadlifts, or Romanian deadlifts are great options to work on quality positions and strength while limiting excessive strain on the lower back.
"The Valley of Unrest"
Teams of 2 - complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
Partner A:
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs
5 Wall Walks
Partner B:
20 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs
20 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
Partner A+B: 50/40 Bike Calories 100 Double Unders
Both partners work at the same time on the bike calories and double unders. After completing the first round partners switch stations and continue repeating the sequence.
2 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrusts, pick load
10 Chest Supported Trap 3 Raises, pick load
10 L/10 R Side Plank Banded Rows