WOD: Saturday 230128
Have a good weekend folks! Let’s rack up some meters for the team!
• Daily Focus
We have a challenging mix today that is essentially a triplet with iso holds in order to complete the work and get this workout done. The challenge here is that there is really no rest period for the athletes as they will be under tension or doing contractions for the entire time of the workout. This will help to increase capacity and test their aerobic stamina. I would suggest pairing up athletes of similar abilities to not have one stress out the other too much when working through this one.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Rowing: Initiate the rower as legs, then body, then arms. The biggest focus we want to see is a straight chain path and constant tension throughout the movement. There should be no wobble in the chain.
Bike Erg, 4000 m
Ski Erg, 1800 m
Burpee Pull-ups: Stay under the bar and ideally we have a bar 6 inches above reach and we can jump into the pull-up. Keep a cadence and rhythm here today.
-Scale: Burpee Jumping Pull-ups
Dumbbell Bench Press: Focus on engaging the posterior delt and mid back here as we stabilize the dumbbells on the eccentric portion to the chest. Stay tight and punch fast on the punch in order to really keep the dumbbells moving in a straight line of direction.
-Scale: Sub a floor press or just limit the range of motion for the athlete and have them just go to 90 degrees at the elbow. We can also sub a tall kneeling dual landmine press.
metcon: "The Way of Water"
With a partner, for time:
Row, 2000 m
Partner Kettlebell Front Rack Hold, 53/35 lbs
-- then --
100 Burpee Pull-ups
Partner Kettlebell Suitcase Hold, 53/35 lb
-- then --
50 Dumbbell Bench Press, 50/35 lbs Partner Handstand Hold
Partner Kettlebell Front Rack Hold/Partner Kettlebell Suitcase Hold- dual kettlebell Dumbbell Bench Press- dual dumbbell
Time domain: 20-25 mins
Time cap: 30 mins
4 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Single Leg Med Ball Hamstring Curls
Weighted Plank Hold, pick load, 1 min
Kettlebell Front Rack Wall Sit, pick load, 30 secs