WOD: Saturday 230225

May the Open be ever in your favor. Have a great weekend folks!

crossfit open 23.2 A & 23.2. B

23.2 A:

Complete as many reps as possible in 15mins of:

5 Burpee Pull ups

10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50ft)

*Add 5 reps to burpee pull ups after each round

23.2 B starts immediately after 23.2 A:

5mins to establish a 1 RM Thruster (from the floor)


3 rounds for quality of:

16 Bent Over Kettlebell See-Saw Rows, pick load

10 Dumbbell Zottman Curls, pick load

8 L/8 R Plyometric Foot Elevated Glute Bridges

8 L/8 R Single Leg Slider Hamstring Curls

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