WOD: Saturday 230408

Have a great weekend folks!

• Daily Focus

The focus today is on a full body muscular endurance workout that is centered around bodyweight conditioning movements. We are partnering up today, which should allow for some quality intensity as it will keep the work to rest relatively tight and allow for enough rest to have minimal time where neither partner is moving to complete the reps. Go over correct form and mechanics on the v-up and push-up specifically as these two at this volume can become quite the challenge. This ties into our Murph prep as we keep the focus on volume bodyweight conditioning.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under. Scale to single unders or scale up to crossovers. 🙂

Row Calories: Get the rower moving quickly and then work on a steady state long stroke. Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish.

V-ups: Lie on your back and extend your arms behind your head. Keep your feet together and toes pointed. Keep your legs straight and lift them up as you simultaneously raise your upper body off the floor. Keep your core tight as you reach for your toes with your hands in one motion. If needed, scale to tuck-ups or AbMat sit-ups.

metcon: "Queens Park"

With a partner, for time:

200 Double Unders

-- then --

3 rounds of:

50/40 Row Calories

50/40 Push-ups

50 V-ups

-- then --

200 Double Unders


3 rounds for quality of:

10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, pick load

15 Dumbbell Hammer Curls, pick load

10 Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls, pick load

WOD Postalex burgyWOD