WOD: Saturday 230624

Have a great weekend!

metcon: Games bound competition

With a partner:

Workout 1: Each partner completes a 3min AMRAP of:

10 Snatches, 95/65

10 Snatches, 135/95

In the remaining time:

AMRAP Snatches, 155/115

Rest 1min before Partner 2 begins.

Rest 1min before Workout 2

Workout 2: 4min AMRAP of:

50 Double unders while one partner holds a handstand against the wall

50’ Handstand walk while one partner holds a handstand against the wall

Share work and rest as needed

Rest 1min before Workout 3

Workout 3: 8mins:

15 Synchro Front Squats 135/75

15 Pull ups while one partner holds a dead hang

15 Synchro bar facing burpees

12 Synchro Front Squats 135/75

12 Pull ups while one partner holds a dead hang

12 Synchro bar facing burpees

Remaining time, AMRAP of:

9 Synchro Front Squats 135/75

9 Pull ups while one partner holds a dead hang

9 Synchro bar facing burpees


4 rounds for quality of:

15 Feet Elevated Parallette Push-ups

10 Alternating Strict Toes-to-bars

Hand Over Hand Sled Pull, pick load, 100 ft

WOD Postalex burgyWOD