WOD: Saturday 231028

Have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

We have a two part workout on the docket today with a fun, different, and challenging partner workout. We will start off the day with my favorite style metcon, which is a 10-1 style workout where we will tackle Power Cleans and Toe to Bar. This will create a good dose of intensity and grip fatigue in the workout with a 1:1 work to rest ratio as you alternate full rounds with your partner.

We will then rest 3:00 minutes then tackle a 3000/2700m Row with alternating segments meant to be done as close to a sprint effort as possible to create a really challenging finish to the day.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Toe to Bar: Similar to the rings here, where we are looking for that tight kip glide while keeping the lats active through the swing. Lets scale to alternating toe to bar, then knee to elbow, then strict knee raises and finally move to v-ups or sit-ups if we need an option that is not on the rig.

-Power Clean Cycling: These should be touch and go today, so work to keep chest tall and lightly graze thighs on the way up and on the way down to keep form tight while still moving fast. Sub hang power cleans and lighten the load as our first scale, next we can move to dual db power cleans or even russian kbs.

-Row for Meters: Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish. The chain should stay in a straight chain path throughout the entire drive phase as we finish hard at the sternum. Finishing higher or lower on the body is not ideal and should be worked to be avoided. If needed, scale the row to calorie ski erg or bike erg. If we scale to the bike erg just double the distance here in order to maintain a similar stimulus.

metcon: "Grip & Rip"

For time:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1- reps of:


Power Clean, 135/95 lbs

-- Rest 3 mins --

Row, 3000/2700 m

Part A) Time Domain: 11:00-15:00 Time Cap: 17:00 minutes

Part B) Goal: 9:00-12:00 minutes Time Cap: 15:00 or 35:00 Running Time


3 rounds for quality of:

8 L/8 R Side Plank Banded Rows

10 L/10 R Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrusts, pick load

Weighted Plank, pick load, 40 secs

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