WOD: Saturday 231125

Anyone need a partner? No? Alrighty, have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

Today, we are getting into an old fashion partner chipper with the goal of working into a work to rest ratio of 1:1. The movements are simple today and target a little more leg stamina and upper body push as the main focus. The goal time domain will be 18:00-23:00 minutes with a time cap of 28:00 minutes to allow all athletes to get through this one. The primary coaching focus today will be on class management as the movements are all quite simple. Athletes can start on different stations or move from the 50s to the 200s in an effort to utilize the bikes and DB’s in the most efficient manner.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Dual Dumbbell Farmers Walking Lunges: Pick up dumbbells by deadlift weights to your sides. Then step with consistent steps at hip to shoulder width and focus on the knees tracking out to engage the glutes. Reduce the load, go to a bodyweight walking lunge, or light alternating step-ups.

-Push-Ups: Band Assisted Push-Ups is the scale of choice today to allow for more consistency in position on the pushup.

-Calorie Echo Bike: Work to keep the body moving forward rather than side to side. Focus on the push/pull with the arms and pressing down through the legs

-Burpees: Stay smooth on the burpees and let chest fall to the floor and then jump back or step back feet to hands before jumping to full extension. If we need to scale today, let's just move to a box elevated burpee in order to limit range of motion while still keeping with the rhythm.

-Dual DB Step-Overs: Work on staying close to the box while bracing the midline. This is a good time to practice form and staying smooth on the box step-overs. Sub to weighted lunges or box step-overs

-Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.

metcon: "Mashed Potatoes"

For time:

200 Double Unders

Dumbbell Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 200 ft

100 Push-ups

110/80 Bike Calories

50 Burpees

50 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

Time Domain: 18:00-23:00

Time Cap: 28:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Complete the work evenly across the board keeping the work to rest at a 1:1 ratio Secondary Objective: Finish Each movement in 5 minutes or less

accessories Part A:

Paused Snatch Pull 3-3-3-3

85%+ Pause 2 sec below the knee before the pull.

accessories Part B:

Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:

Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry, pick load, 50 ft

Sled Push, pick load, 50 ft

5 Wall Walks

Bike Erg, 45 secs

WOD Postalex burgyWOD