WOD: Saturday 231209

Have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

We have a long partner chipper on the docket today with some good fun grippy work. This entire workout has some major interference in it between all movements. We will be tackling Ring Muscle-Ups, Toe to Bar, American KBS, and Rowing in a combination that is meant to challenge even the best athletes, while also giving those less skilled athletes options that will help move the needle forward both skill wise as well as strength wise. The focus for this workout is to make your way through the reps evenly with your partner. Even if your partner doesn't have the high skill movements we can switch out to a scale and work through the reps using different scaling mods even between two individuals of varying skill / fitness levels.

metcon: "Three By Five"

For time:

100 Row Calories

80 Synchronized Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in

60 Synchronized Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs

40 Synchronized Line Facing Burpees

20 Rope Climbs, 15 ft

Primary Objective: Complete the workout within the specified time frame.

Secondary Objective: Promote teamwork and synchronization in all movements.


4 rounds for quality of:

10 Kettlebell Gorilla Rows, pick load

15 Kneeling Banded Pull Downs

15 Banded Reverse Flies

WOD Postalex burgyWOD