WOD: Saturday 240113
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• Coaching Notes
Today, we are tackling a partner workout with the added emphasis today on teaching and building the Ring Muscle-Up. We have included a specific progression today as well as written in the notes another process for how to do this in a partner variation. We made the warm-up a quick and to the point “10:00 minute, For Quality” piece in order to allow the requisite time to go through progressions on the rings as well as talk over scaling modifications. Spend the time to talk through this in the form of either a Bus Stop strategy, where we start at one progression and move our way down the line, leaving athletes at the progression that best fits them and then having them drill that progression or create a series of stations for each level of athlete and have them work with a partner to refine technique, then move to their specific modification for the workout today. Partners can also choose different modifications / scales for the workout today. Whereas, one partner may be doing Ring Muscle-Ups while another is doing Bar Muscle-Ups, Strict Pull-Ups + Ring Dips, or even Ring Rows and Push-Ups, etc. This keeps the community together and building. Wave included a little dose of lunging today, but that in combination with the Burpee Box Jump Overs will hit the legs hard so be cognizant of that with loading today.
metcon: "Fool Me Once, Fool Me Twice"
2 rounds for time, with a partner of:
20 Ring Muscle-ups
Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 30 m
40 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Farmers Carry Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 50 m
4 rounds for quality of:
5 Tempo Strict Pull-ups
10 Chest Supported Dumbbell Reverse Flies, pick load
15 Seated Banded Rows