WOD: Saturday 240210
Have a great weekend everyone!
• Coaching Notes
We have a fun workout today that is built on the concept of having a rabbit to chase for the entirety of the workout. This rabbit run will have all athletes ideally chasing the athlete in front of them with the goal of catching up to some extent to the athlete in front of you, while also staying away and not getting caught by the athlete in front of them. Please read through the specific flow of the workout written in the main notes for the workout section so that both you and the athletes understand the workout and know how to best execute it. We will be starting off the day with a fun CrossFit Tic-Tac-Toe game and then move into a workout primer that allows us to focus on some technical components to the snatch as well as manage some touch-n-go reps prior to hitting the barbell cycling and conditioning in the workout. Overall the session today is geared specifically to build community, create some fun, and add a little fire to their training session.
weightlifting/wod prep:
Every 1:30 min for 9 mins do:
1x [ 3 Hang Muscle Snatches + 3 Power Snatches ], pick load
3 Lateral Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
metcon: "Rabbit Run"
3 rounds for time of, in teams of 3
Run, 500 m
25 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
25 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
Time Domain: 20:00-25:00 minutes Time Cap: 30:00
3 rounds for quality of:
20 Seated Calf Raises, pick load
12 Tall Kneeling Banded Hip Thrusts
10 L/10 R Side Lying Dumbbell External Rotations, pick load