WOD: Saturday 240504

May the 4th be with you all. Have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork! We are getting after a fun team oriented warm-up and workout together. The KB Tap Race game is a new favorite of ours and one that a lot of affiliates have fun with. So plan to tackle this one as two big teams going against each other in a best 2 out of 3. After the warm-up we will want to set things up and make sure that the stick jump overs are talked through as that is the movement that requires the most amount of instruction for athletes to tackle today, even though it is quite a simple movement. The goal is quick and rebounding movements over the PVC pipe with the goal of 20+ reps in the minute.

Now this workout is very interesting as it is a 4 person team workout, where all members of the team are working against each other in a competition format with the goal of having one athlete accumulate more reps than all the rest by virtue of sending it a bit more on the Bike than everyone else.

metcon: "Royal Rumble"

5 rounds for max reps of:

Max rep Lateral Stick Jump Overs, 20 in

Max rep Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs

18/13 Calories Rest 1 min

Complete in teams of 4. Each partner starting on different stations.

Time Domain: 22:00-30:00 minutes

Time Cap: 30:00 minutes


Complete as many rounds as possible in 13 mins of:

10 Pike Leg Lifts

5 Reverse Nordics Sunshine Ab, 30 secs

10 Prone Swimmers