WOD: Saturday 240629
Have a great weekend!
• Coaching Notes
The expectations for today are to spend some time warming up and prepping the body for an intensive team workout. The goal with a team waterfall workout is to have the workout start on a delay with each partner going into the waterfall and acting like barriers to the next spot in the workout. Imagine that each station only has one rower, one area to do push-ups, one running lane, and one pair of dumbbells. If a teammate is on one of those stations the other teammate must wait until the work is completed. This puts pressure on athletes to move a little faster and get out of the way of their partners. The expectation for scaling modifications and levels today is to ensure that athletes are choosing loads and movements that should each take under 1 minute to complete.
metcon: "Stonewall"
6 Cleans, 135/95 lbs
28 Double Unders
6 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 135/95 lbs
9 Burpees
Partner A does 6 cleans, then Partner B does 6 cleans
Partner A does 28 DUs, then Partner B does 28 DUs
Repeat pattern for all movements
Time Domain: 22:00 min AMRAP
3 rounds for quality of:
Ring Support Hold, 20 secs
20 Banded Tricep Extensions
10 L/10 R Cossack Squats, pick load