WOD: Saturday 240727

Have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

We have a fun two part partner workout today that will actually feel a little like 3 back to back pieces here as we are also adding in the fun partner warm-up game "Rowing Golf." The goal here is to keep things flowing and moving from one piece to the next relatively seamlessly. We will be looking for the warm-up to be under 15 minutes long in total in order to allow time to talk through and walk athletes through some progressions on the Ring Muscle-Ups today. The flow has us going from Ring Muscle-Ups and Burpee Box Jump Overs to Deadlifts and Burpee Box Jump Overs, but due to the amount of athletes using the Rings you could have them start on two separate stations.

A note that the workout structure and flow may confuse athletes so make sure to walk them through it and have them understand that each athlete will complete the full workload, but athletes cannot move the other station until their partner has completed that station. This will create tiny breaks in the workout, but still allow for a little more of an individual based partner workout for the day.

metcon: "Theory of Forms"

For Total Time with a Partner

Part A)

For Time:


Burpee Box Jump Overs


Ring Muscle-Ups

Rest 5:00 minutes

Part B)


Burpee Box Jump Overs



Box: 24/20''

Barbell: 225/155lb, 102/70kg

Score = Total Time


Part A) For Load

8-10 Sets

2 Supinated Grip Pull-Up@ 41x4 Tempo

2-4 Weighted Straight Bar Dips

Rest as needed between sets

Add load if possible

Part B) For Load

4 Sets x :35 sec Weighted Sorenson Hold

Rest as needed

WOD Postalex burgyWOD